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Gene Edit Off Target Analysis

and Design Software

The BioInformatics Engine for Genetic Data

The KBioBox platform specializes in fast precision off target analysis and gene edit biodesign. Created in reponse to the growing need for real-time genetic sequence analysis, KBioBox's BioEngine is a powerful genomic search engine capable of searching entire genomes in minutes for even the most complex searches. BioEngine technology is built upon novel proprietary search algorythms that do not compromise speed for accuracy. Simple interactiveness and minimal computation requirements mean the technology can be used in the field or in the cloud.

Genetic Data, KBioBox's BioEngine

The bio-informatics engine providing speed without compromising accuracy, adaptable to any bio-informatics application. KBioBox's BioEngine empowers research and provides improved quality for your application.


Off Target Analysis


Throughly check your gene edit for potential off target interactions in under a minute. Know where to check to ensure a clean edit.

Pathogen Identification/Analysis


Compare assembled or raw sequence data against millions of references in minutes, view alignments and homologies

Gene Edit Design

Rapidly calculate the "top ten" targets for your gene edit via off target potential consideration. Each calculated target includes a full off target analysis


De Novo Assembly

Our unique technology affords new approaches to this old problem


Microbiome Analysis


Separate, assemble, identify, and annotate.

Multi-Species Alignment

Discover new relations between species, identifying similar and conserved regions.

Custom applications


Connect your application to KBioBox's BioEngine to handle the searching, and you to handle the analysis


Use BioEngine technology to design optimal guides for one target or across multiple targets and species. Targets and guides are determined based on minimal off target interaction.




Already have a target and guide? Check across one or more species for potential off target sites. Each off target report includes annotation and primer information.





After a gene edit use KBioBox's extended GUIDE-Seq analysis, extracting cleavage site and frequency, correct/incorrect repairs, and translocation information from GUIDE-seq or similar pipelines.


Our Services

Analysing NGS data, design a gene edit, or identifying unknown genetic material, KBioBox's BioEngine provides the computational power to expedite projects, tests, and research


Design your gene edit target to ensure minimal off target interactions. KBioBox technology can design your edit in under a minute, providing the "Top Ten" target designs each with a comprehensive Off Target Analysis. A simple “4 click process”. Enter reference, gene edit location, search type and gene edit type and in under one minute receive easy to understand annotated reports with visualizations and whole genome off target analysis for each design.


KBioBox Extended GUIDE-Seq analysis significantly enhances the standard procedure and identifies actual cleavage sites, correct and incorrect repairs, observed and potential translocations and the changes to peptide/protien sequences.


Off Target Analysis

The fastest and most thorough Off Target Analysis available, available for wild type CRISPRs. A simple “3 click process”. Enter Reference Sequence, Gene Edit Type and Design and in under one minute receive easy to understand annotated reports with visualizations and all locus information. Primer calculation for off target locations available.


Custom Application

Incorporating the BioEngine into existing bioinformatic applications, or building new applications powered by the BioEngine is fast and flexible. Integrate directly into "in house" systems, into cloud based systems, or access through KBioBox's web portal and REST based API, KBioBox can also build applications into the web portal for ease of use.

Technical Applications


BioEngine Technology

KBioBox's technology is simple to interact with and can power any bioinformatics application, decreasing search time without sacrificing accuracy


Empower existing informatics

Augment and enhance existing programs and protocols with the power of KBioBox's BioEngine



Harness the power of the BioEngine in house to accelerate research or embedded on your website to better serve your customers


Cloud BioEngine

Deploy KBioBox's BioEngine into your cloud, or interact through KBioBox's cloud

A Performance Example

KBioBox's BioEngine applied to Gene Editing Off Target Analysis


KBioBox's Off Target Analysis application predicted 96.6% of off-targets found by GUIDE-seq, the MIT and E-CRISP tools found less then 50%.


On average KBioBox's Off Target Analysis ran in under two minutes, less than half the time for the MIT and E-CRISP tools.

Augment and enhance existing programs and protocols with the power of KBioBox's BioEngine


Analysing NGS data, design a gene edit, or identifying unknown genetic material, KBioBox's BioEngine provides the computational power to expedite projects, tests, and research


Cell Line Scientist

KBioBox's BioEngines tedious attention to detail empowers scientists to develop better more stable cell lines the first time. The BioDesign tool narrows possible targets into the "top ten", while the Off Target Analysis tool highlights loci to check after a gene edit.


Gene Editing Specialist

Easily customize KBioBox's BioEngine for any chemistry or combination of chemistries. Then let the BioEngine handle the tedious checking and accounting to ensure a successful gene edit.



Identifying and tracking variants across multiple species is a daunting task. KBioBox's BioEngine accelerates and simplies this task, alleviating scientists for more important tasks.



Enhance existing bioinformatics pipelines with KBioBox's BioEngine, greatly improving search speed and capabilities. Complete research and projects expedited, allowing scientists to spend more time on important tasks.

ASU Institute for Advanced Health Technology

4th Floor, 32 Commerce St., Montgomery, AL 36104

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2023 by ASU Institute for Advanced Health Technology© | KBioBox©

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